How I Can Help You:
45-minute Personal Channeled Tarot Readings

Get a Personal, Pre-Recorded Channeled Tarot Reading that allows your Guides, Angels, God (Source), and your Higher Selves to "speak" through Brandon everything you need to know right now in Love OR in Life for the Highest Good. Includes up to 3 questions for you to ask and runs 45 minutes minimum (longer if required). Available in FULL 4k video and downloadable for you to keep for life!
*NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLe as of 10/17/24*
*NEW!* Audio-Only "Check-in" Readings (15 minutes, 1-2 questions)

This is designed to be either a "first time" introductory reading OR a "follow up"/check in reading designed for those who've already received a reading from me and simply want a "check in" on previously Channeled circumstances or who simply don't need the full longer video and just want to have clarity on that ONE (or two!) thing(s) in this moment! Best for those on a budget or previous clients looking to go deeper on their previous readings. Also great for "first timers" and those looking to try my services out before going deeper!
*NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLe as of 10/17/24*
Empowered AStrology & Channeled Soul purpose reading combo (pre-recorded)

This incredibly in-depth combination reading combines your Astrological natal chart AND direct, Channeled Messages from your Guides and Angels utilizing the Tarot to conceptualize, Channel, and define into words YOUR Soul Purpose here on Earth as well as next steps to reach that purpose in your life right now. This is a comprehensive reading that analyzes both your Astrology chart and performs a Tarot reading following the Astro-Analysis to give current Channeled Guidance on what you need to know to reach/succeed in your mission here on Earth, right now in this moment as well as ongoing throughout your life (Timeless!). This is a Life-Changing reading! 45 minutes long, full 4k video, and includes UP to 6 questions you can ask to be included within the reading during both the Astrology and/or Tarot section. *Note-this is NOT a Live Reading-it is a recorded 4k video sent directly to your inbox for you to download and keep for life!*
*NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLe as of 10/17/24*
Live Monthly Coaching Container (work directly with brandon for direct, transformational growth and accomplishing your long-term goals)

Work with me in a Monthly Coaching Container which allows for a magical, transformative experience between the two of us as we work together to exponentially increase and maximize your long-term happiness through inner transformative work, business/long-term financial success, and of course the manifestation (or deepening!) of your True Love/Relationship if desired. See more details by clicking below!
Hey there!
My name is Brandon and I just want to say THANK YOU for taking the time to check out my website and my services. If you're here, you're likely going through your own journey of Self-Discovery and finding out exactly who you are and what you're here to do on this Earth. Or, you're just curious about who the heck I am!
Either way-I'm glad you're here. Let me get straight to the point. I'm here and this website exists to help YOU and anyone else who dares venture into the unknown of their own Soul's Destiny. It exists for the brave Soul who chooses to fight for a better life and not one filled with complacency, stagnation, and/or doubt. I exist to help those of you who WANT a better life and to experience all that the Universe has to offer you. And the three main areas I've been chosen to help humanity with is Health, Wealth, and True Love.
If those are things you'd like to pursue, in your life, I am here to Guide you there and show you exactly how you're meant to attain those wonderful things.
More than that, along the way, I'm also going to show you your Purpose in Life. What does that mean exactly? It means the way YOU were designed by our creator to reach and impact as many people as possible so you can-quite literally-Change the World.
Why is this essential-and why not just live for yourself and pursue Health, Wealth, and Love, you may ask?
What I've found is that in EVERY human, there is a deep, existential and inherent need to reach FULFILLMENT of their Life Purpose. This is the state where they've accomplished everything that they've set out to do for themselves, and find themselves in a position where they are so happy inside that they choose to give back to others.
Once you've reached this state-you've fulfilled your True Purpose here on this Earth-which is ultimately to reach such a state of accomplishment and fulfillment in your own life that you can spend the rest of your days giving back to others. This is our true state of "beingness" and how it was always meant to be but has been lost by Society.
Unfortunately this natural direction in life has been taken away from us due to the way our Societal Systems are and, even more unfortunately, Forces in power that have created these systems to attempt to keep humanity from evolving.
I'm here to break the chains that bind all of us down, to give you and everyone else your Freedom, and to show you the true meaning of your life.
I do this with the Science of Astrology and the Esoteric to give you personalized and intuitive Guidance to shift the aspects of your body, mind, and life that aren't working anymore so you can step into what does. I use my gifts to help you rapidly heal and understand your own Soul's Journey. And most importantly, I teach and EMPOWER YOU along the way so you can be your OWN BEST REFERENCE : )
I hope this helps give you a better understanding of who I am and why I'm here. If you'd like to find out more about how I might be able to help you please click the link below and feel free to email me with questions : )
I look forward to getting to know and work with you. Thanks for reading! Blessings to all who read this : )
Until next time-